Terms of use


This website (“Website”) is owned and operated by Tax Management New Zealand Limited (“we”, “us” and “our”). Use of the Website is governed by the following terms and conditions which constitute a legally binding agreement between you, the user, and us. 

Acceptable use  

You agree to only use the Website and services for legitimate and lawful purposes and in a way which does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Website by any third party. Such restriction includes conduct which is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, threatening or obscene. You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 

Registration and Passwords

Some sections of or services offered may require you to register and provide certain identifying or other information. If you register, you agree to provide true and accurate information.

If registration involves choosing a password, you should choose a strong password and avoid reusing passwords used on other websites. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords and restricting access to your computer. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account. Please notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your password or account. 


Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Logos  

All content included on this site is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights which are owned or controlled by us or by third parties who have licensed or provided their material to us. The uploading, posting or publishing of content that is not your own original work is strictly prohibited. You may download and temporarily cache content from the Website for your own personal non-commercial use. Any other copying, distribution, transmission, performance, display, alteration or use of any content for any other purpose is strictly prohibited without attributing us and, where applicable, the third party content providers we appoint. Any information, including but not limited to product designs, features, pricing, business strategies, or other business insights made available through use of our products, services, or websites is proprietary information belonging solely to us, and competitors or other entities are prohibited from accessing, using, or otherwise leveraging such information to gain competitive advantage or meaningful commercial/business insights, even if they have signed up by providing false personal information. We reserve the right to terminate, without notice, the accounts and access privileges of any users who are reasonably deemed to be competitors or working on behalf of competitors. To obtain permissions for the commercial use of any content, please contact us via the contact details below. Written permission must be obtained before using any of our logos or marks. 

Disclaimer and Indemnity 

While every care is taken to provide accurate information, we provide no guarantees about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any content, products or services available through the Website. We accept no liability for errors or emissions. 

Your use of the Website and any services offered is at your own risk. All content is provided on an “as is” basis without any representations or warranties of any kind. We expressly disclaim all express and implied warranties including warranties of merchantability, suitability, fitness for purpose, accuracy and non-infringement. 

We make no representations or warranties that use of the Website will be secure, uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website is free of viruses or other harmful components. You assume full responsibility for any loss or damages resulting from your use of Website content or services. 

You will indemnify us against any cost, losses or damages of whatever nature incurred by us as a direct or indirect result of your failure to comply with these Terms of Use.  We will take reasonable steps to mitigate any such cost, losses and damages. 

Changes to Website Offerings

Content on the Website and the services offered are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cease offering, and to remove, website offerings without limitation. 

Changes to Terms of Use

We reserve the right to review and amend any of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use at any time without notice. Your use of the Website following any changes constitutes your ongoing agreement to the revised terms and conditions. 

Governing Law  

These Terms of Use and any contractual or non-contractual matters arising out of it are governed solely by New Zealand law. Any legal proceedings must be carried out in New Zealand courts. 

Contacting Us

Please direct any queries or concerns about our Website or services to us using the following contact details: 

0800 829 888
TMNZ 23 Customs Street East
Auckland 1010
PO Box 105 435, Auckland 1143